

Nine UNH students – including a pair of siblings – earned the opportunity to study in and experience international locales and cultures as recipients of the Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金, which will bring this cohort of Wildcats to six different countries around the globe.

吉尔曼奖学金 provides awards to Pell grant-eligible students who are studying or interning abroad for credit. In 2021, the U.S. State Department recognized UNH as a top producer of Gilman Scholars in the country as part of the 20th anniversary of the program.

今年的获奖者是25岁的梅根·科特, Kiley Hill ’25, 维多利亚(托丽)彼得森,25岁, Alaura Cross-Stroman, 26岁, 26岁的诺亚·埃克特和26岁的凯勒·埃克特兄弟, Lauren Hoppler ’26, 伊丽莎白·罗宾逊-江26岁和罗扎利亚·瓦伊达27岁.

Kaitlin Phair ’24 was also selected as a recipient but was unable to accept a placement.

Kiley Hill
Kiley Hill. (courtesy)

Hill, 她在里斯本主修人类发展和家庭研究, New Hampshire, 将通过联合国大学参加比较社会福利制度课程, 去都柏林旅行, 爱尔兰和贝尔法斯特, Northern Ireland, 她将在哪里学习社会工作.

Hill says she is excited about the Gilman opportunity because it “opens many doors to explore a different part of the world socially and academically.”

“I am most looking forward to understanding a different culture and understanding what their norms may be compared to the United States,” she says.

Victoria Peterson
Victoria Peterson. (courtesy)

Peterson, 她在贝德福德大学主修兽医技术和动物科学, New Hampshire, 作为UNH意大利项目的一部分,我在意大利度过了这个夏天. She studied the food and culture of Italy as well as the philosophy of food while in Ascoli Piceno, 意大利东海岸的一个小镇.

申请过程本身对彼得森来说是有益的, who says it “broadened by perspective on how important going the extra mile and advocating for yourself is.她也很感激有机会加入吉尔曼社区, 给她一个空间来分享她的想法, 旅途中和旅途后.

“I was most looking forward to travelling and being able to experience a new part of the world,” she says. “在出国留学之前,我从未离开过美国.S. So it was a really exciting time as I was doing something way out of my comfort zone while also furthering my academic studies.”

诺亚·埃克特来自新汉普顿,主修历史和德语双学位, New Hampshire, 将在圣. Andrews in Scotland, 他的课程将包括日耳曼史学, 中世纪研究拉丁语, 苏格兰历史和德语. 他将在2025年春天旅行.

Eckert is excited for the opportunity because the majority of what he’ll study in Scotland is highly specialized and not replicable at UNH, and will be a significant step in preparing him for his desired career as an historian.

“Receiving the Gilman scholarship has opened new pathways for my education,” Eckert says. “我最兴奋的是探索苏格兰的历史, 因为我对中世纪很着迷, 能够探索苏格兰城堡的废墟将是一个梦想成真.”

Caleb Eckert
caleb eckert. (courtesy)

Noah’s brother, Caleb Eckert, 也会在2025年春天旅行吗, 他将前往爱尔兰的戈尔韦大学. The history and program and event management major will be focusing his studies primarily on ancient and early medieval Irish history.

“One of the things I'm looking forward to most about experiencing Ireland is getting to see many of the historical and archeological sites I've read about in person,” Caleb says. “I'll be able to see the things I've spent so much time learning about with my own eyes, 而不是从书中想象出来的.” 

Lauren Hoppler
lauren hoppler. (courtesy)

Hoppler, 她来自达勒姆大学,主修野生动物和保护生物学, New Hampshire, 会在2025年春天去新西兰吗, where she will be studying at the EcoQuest Foundation within the Ecology in Action Program. She will be traveling throughout the North and South islands to learn about the ecology, biology and environmental policy in relation to various ecosystems and looks forward to honing practical research skills.

该项目与当地社区密切合作, Hoppler says, and she is excited to learn about “different worldviews” and to “discover how other people connect to nature.”

“虽然我喜欢在达勒姆长大,也喜欢在这里上大学, 我非常渴望走出我的舒适区,在那里我可以探索新的环境, 应对新挑战, 认识新朋友,” Hoppler says. “新西兰几乎是我从新罕布什尔州能到的最远的地方, 它的生态系统和景观也大不相同. Getting the chance to observe, explore and appreciate them is super exciting for me.”

伊丽莎白robinson-kiang. (courtesy)

Robinson-Kiang, 他主修工商管理,专攻金融, New Hampshire, 会在葡萄牙度过2025年的春天吗, 在里斯本的里斯本大学学院(又名ISTCE)学习. 尽管她的官方课程名单仍有待确定, 她计划修一些金融方面的课程,以获得专业所需的学分.

Robinson-Kiang says she was “through the roof” when she learned she’d been selected as a Gilman recipient because the scholarship provides the opportunity to become part of a community of scholars. 她也期待着探索新的文化, 她一生都住在同一个地方.

“One of the big reasons I chose to study in Europe is because of their expansive rail system as well as the general ease of traveling between other countries. I’m most excited to be able to visit and experience so many different places conveniently during my studies,罗宾逊-江说. 他说:“我的很多朋友和我同时去欧洲, 所以我真的很期待在意大利和希腊等地参观他们.”

Rozalia Vajda
rozalia vajda. (courtesy)

Vajda, 他是博卡拉顿大学哲学和司法研究专业的学生, Florida, 参加博洛尼亚大学, 这是她的吉尔曼奖学金的一部分, 在博洛尼亚的语言学院学习.

除了教育机会, Vajda is grateful for the chance to experience “the daily routine lifestyle of Italians.”

“Studying at an Italian university with Italian professors provides the opportunity to fully immerse myself in life in Italy,” Vajda says. “还有坐公共汽车去上课, 走在意大利市中心的街道上, 在历史悠久的小径上远足.”

Cotter, 阿默斯特大学健康科学专业的学生, New Hampshire, 作为UNH意大利项目的参与者度过了一个夏天, and Cross-Stroman, 胡克塞特传媒专业的学生, New Hampshire, 今年秋天将在西班牙的巴塞罗那大学Autònoma学习.

有兴趣申请吉尔曼奖学金? 了解更多澳门葡京网赌游戏这个和其他可用的机会 国家研究金办公室.

Jeremy Gasowski | UNH Marketing | jeremy.gasowski@sdtlsw.com | 603-862-4465